To contact us all you need do is......
Main Webpage:
Email: [email protected]
Mobile: +61 491646938, +91 90385 19739
If you live in Australia or are happy to phone international, you can often talk to us from April to September, our India break time, on
+61 491646938
People living in Melbourne Australia are welcome to contact and if you like meet over a coffee to chat about your India tour.
No obligation just a friendly chat.
We are available to help with tours all year round through our email address.
Email: [email protected]
Mobile: +61 491646938, +91 90385 19739
If you live in Australia or are happy to phone international, you can often talk to us from April to September, our India break time, on
+61 491646938
People living in Melbourne Australia are welcome to contact and if you like meet over a coffee to chat about your India tour.
No obligation just a friendly chat.
We are available to help with tours all year round through our email address.
You can also contact us on WhatsApp using
+61 491646938 and +91 9038519739
We are generally in India from late September to end of March each year, other times we are in Australia. We are most likely available from 9.00 AM to 6.00pm while in Kolkata.
+61 491646938 and +91 9038519739
We are generally in India from late September to end of March each year, other times we are in Australia. We are most likely available from 9.00 AM to 6.00pm while in Kolkata.
When contacting us to book an activity please provide the following if possible.
Your name. Preferably the name your Hotel or Guest House is booked in.
When you want the activity. A range of days is better than one day.
Where you are staying. Actual address and contact number is helpful.
How many of you are there.
Your selection of activity or the kind of things you are looking for.
Your Indian mobile number if you have one.
Any disabilities or health issues we should be aware of.
If a Cooking Class is what you want, please read our relevant page and...
Tell us if you want an all vegetarian meal or a fish or chicken dish included.
Do you want the Bengali Basic Class or The Bengali Special Class?
Do you have any food allergies or food aversions?
Please add anything else you think might help us provide the best possible experience.
Your name. Preferably the name your Hotel or Guest House is booked in.
When you want the activity. A range of days is better than one day.
Where you are staying. Actual address and contact number is helpful.
How many of you are there.
Your selection of activity or the kind of things you are looking for.
Your Indian mobile number if you have one.
Any disabilities or health issues we should be aware of.
If a Cooking Class is what you want, please read our relevant page and...
Tell us if you want an all vegetarian meal or a fish or chicken dish included.
Do you want the Bengali Basic Class or The Bengali Special Class?
Do you have any food allergies or food aversions?
Please add anything else you think might help us provide the best possible experience.
You can also contact us from our main page....